Sunday, May 22, 2016

Objective-C Calling Base class methods from Child class

With in any class implementation 'self' refers to the object of that class and 'super' refers to the parent class.

We can call parent class methods using the 'super' keyword.

Let's see an example in Objective-C.

@interface Parent : NSObject  

     - (void)thankYou:(NSString*)visitorName;


     @interface Child : NSObject  

     - (void)thankYou:(NSString*)visitorName;


Unlike in other programming languages, We don't need to give a prefix 'override' for overridden methods in Objective-C. But the only rule is subclass method should have the same name and property list of base class method for overriding.

@implementation Parent

          - (void)thankYou:(NSString*)visitorName{

              NSLog(@"From Parent : Thank you %@", visitorName);


     @implementation Child

          - (void)thankYou:(NSString*)visitorName{

               NSLog(@"From child : Thank you %@", visitorName);


In the above example, Whenever there is a visitor, Parent class says thank you when we send a 'thankYou' message to Parent class by calling thankYou method.

[parentObj thankYou:@"visitor1"];  // From Parent : Thank you visitor1

In my child class, I need this thankYou method but I want a thank on behalf of my child object. So I need to go for overriding this method as I can write child own logic in the method.

[childObj thankYou:@"visitor1"];    // From Child : Thank you visitor1

See, Same functionality but a little customization in the subclass with the help of Method Overriding.

Let's see how can we extend the functionality. I mean I need my Base class method called also first and after that my child class logic. I don't need to replace the functionality of base class. I just need to extend the functionality.


In addition to completely replacing an existing implementation, you might want to extend a superclass's implementation. Here comes the super keyword. Within a method definition, super refers to the parent class of the current object. To call methods in the base class from child class, We can use this super keyword.

For example, I need both my parent and child should thank a visitor but should be properly conveyed.

@implementation Child

        - (void)thankYou:(NSString*)visitorName{

             [super thankYou: visitorName];  //calling baseclass method

             NSLog(@"From child : Thank you %@", visitorName);


If a child object thanks, a visitor gets a thank you from both parent and child. Of course, child is saying on behalf of parent also here. 

Now If you call child object's thank you method,

  [childObj thankYou:@"visitor1"];       //  From Parent : Thank you visitor1

                                                         //  From Child : Thank you visitor1

Hope this post is useful. Feel free to comment in case of any queries.

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